Reasons to Add Landscape Stairs

Therefore, constructing functional and appealing landscape stairs can boost the value of homes and attract potential buyers.

Outdoor stairs are often considered no more than functional additions to a home’s exterior. However, these steps also have aesthetic appeal too.

This blog reviews reasons homeowners should consider adding landscape stairs to their homes.

To curb erosion

Most properties located on hilly landscapes experience a lot of soil erosion, especially if there is no cover from vegetation. By constructing landscape stairs, homeowners can divide the property into terraces, which prevents water runoff and deters erosion.

The terraced spaces also provide room for planting gardens and creating sitting areas for receiving guests and unwinding.

Create accessible entrance and exit

Landscape stairs create a stable entrance and exit platform in homes with uneven terrain or multiple levels. By eliminating steep and slippery slopes, stairs provide proper footing and allow for easier movement, especially for older people or those with mobility issues.

Enhancing the outdoor aesthetic

Homeowners can install stairs off their front porch or backyard entrance to improve outdoor appeal. Owners can construct well-designed steps to complement their exterior spaces using the many available materials, such as natural stones, wood, bricks, or concrete.

Improving property value

In the current real estate market, well-maintained outdoor spaces have become increasingly sought after. Therefore, constructing functional and appealing landscape stairs can boost the value of homes and attract potential buyers.

Easy installation

Another reason to consider adding landscape stairs is that they are relatively easy to install. Depending on the design of the stairs or the materials required, the job can be completed relatively quickly.

Hiring a professional is preferable to ensure that work is done according to building codes and that the stairs are safe to use.

Factors to consider when adding landscape stairs

Other than the choice of materials and design, there are other factors that homeowners should consider when planning to add landscape stairs.

Space and location

Whether on the front porch or in the backyard, the available space dictates the design of landscape stairs. Homeowners also need to be aware of building codes regulating how and where outdoor steps should be located.

Staircase maintenance

The maintenance work required on landscape stairs should guide homeowners in choosing the materials they use. Wood, for example, requires regular polishing.

Utility lines

Adding landscape stairs involves digging and poses a risk of damaging underground utility lines. Therefore, homeowners should have the utility companies mark all lines and pipes before starting work.

Adding landscape stairs with a pro’s guidance

Landscaping stairs are a great addition to any property’s outdoor space. Aside from improving the appeal, they also aid in accessing and creating functional spaces in sloppy and uneven areas. Homeowners who wish to add or customize outdoor steps on their homes can contact professional landscapers for quality work and creative designs.


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