What's Better: Spring Mulch or Fall Mulch?
Most mulches are organic, which means they decompose as time passes.
One of the services we currently offer is mulching, and one question we hear often is: When should I mulch, in the spring or the fall?
It's a really good question.
Timing Impacts Supply and Service
Landscaping is a seasonal business. This means that service will be quicker at certain times of the year or there will be more options.
When it comes to mulch, spring into summer is the busiest time of year. This is also when suppliers have the most selection and the greatest amount of available mulch. Waiting until fall to buy large quantities of mulch means that a homeowner may struggle to find a supplier or find enough mulch.
However, those who mulch in the spring may have to deal with higher demand and a longer wait time. Many companies are extremely busy, and coordinating delivery and application may take more effort.
Professional landscape companies often prefer to do large mulch jobs in early spring, when suppliers have a lot of mulch available and are probably not too busy.
Mulch Is Optimally Attractive For A Few Months
Most mulches are organic, which means they decompose as time passes. That's a good thing for soil but perhaps not the best thing for the landscape's appearance. Also, those who purchase dyed mulch should know the color will fade as it is exposed to the sun, rain, and other elements.
Because of this, we recommend mulching in the spring, since mulch will look the freshest and most attractive during the months when the homeowners are likely to be outdoors, enjoying the landscape. Mulching in the winter will still look nice.
Mulch Doesn't Last Forever
Remember, even though mulch decomposes, a homeowner may want to slow that process as much as possible, and mulching in the spring accomplishes this.
Early spring mulch offers more selection, better service, and more time to enjoy mulch at it's most attractive while slowing the decomposition process.