Important Midsummer Landscape Tasks
A heavy prune in summer gives the plant enough time to recover before cold weather sets in, and it may also give it enough time to set buds again if it blooms in early spring.
The hot months of midsummer are typically a slower time for garden maintenance companies. The early spring rush to clean up and plant is over, and it's not yet time to plant some colorful fall flowers or prep for winter.
Plus, let's not forget it's hot out there.
Even though summer's heat makes working outside unpleasant, some crucial landscape tasks still need doing to maintain healthy, thriving plants.
Check Plants for Pests and Diseases
In summer, many insects are busy eating, mating, or laying eggs. Certain diseases could also be attacking plants. So, the hot days of summer are a great time to walk around the landscape and check flowers, shrubs, and trees.
Specifically, look for leaf damage, like holes, chewed bits, or white or dark spots. Also, check branches. If many branches on a plant seem damaged or dead, it indicates that something may be wrong.
Extensive signs of pests or diseases mean it's time to call a professional. Properly treating certain pests requires doing so at the correct time in their life cycle (usually when they are feeding). Properly treating a disease depends on correctly identifying the problem, and that isn't easy without training.
Heavy Pruning
Summer is a good time for heavy pruning. A heavy prune in summer gives the plant enough time to recover before cold weather sets in, and it may also give it enough time to set buds again if it blooms in early spring.
Probably the most unpleasant task in hot weather is weeding! But it's really crucial. If weeds get out of control in the summer, they will bloom and go to seed, creating more weeds. Spending just a few minutes a day or an hour a week tackling weeds will save a lot of work for the growing season. Plus, it's great exercise!
Speaking of weeds, if there are a lot popping up in certain garden beds, it might be time to re-mulch! We recommend mulching in the early spring, but mid-summer is also a good time.
Just remember to thoroughly weed or apply a thick layer of cardboard, newspaper, or other light-blocking material before applying the mulch.
Mid-summer landscape tasks are just as important as spring planting or fall clean-up, and if homeowners take care of plants during this toasty time of year, they will see the benefits all the rest of the season.
The experienced, professional, and skilled team at Rooted Landscape Management provides comprehensive landscaping solutions to Gainesville, GA, residents. From landscape design and construction and landscape maintenance to sod installation and landscape lighting, our team is committed to delivering quality solutions that will stand the test of time. Call us at (470)-333-7659 for more information.